Complaints Handling & Resolution Process
At Actuals Financial, our Board and Senior Management are dedicated to ensuring fair dealing outcomes for all our customers.
We prioritize building strong relationships with our customers and doing what is right by them. We are committed to being responsive to customer needs and addressing complaints promptly and effectively.
If you believe that any of our Financial Adviser Representatives have acted unprofessionally, you may reach to us in the following avenues: (Attention to "Compliance Dept")
Actuals Financial, Compliance Dept
7 Harvey Road, LeBond #10-02B, Singapore 369613
Our complaint handling process includes promptly acknowledging receipt of the complaint and providing our customers with a final resolution report within 14 business days from the date of the complaint. For more complex cases requiring additional time, we will inform the customer and request an extension.
If the final resolution is unsatisfactory, customers may seek further advice from the Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre Ltd (FIDReC).
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